Selling at auction is a great and safe way to receive market value for your goods. Unlike pawnbrokers and dealers, auctions allow your property to be seen by many different people who bid against each other raising the price each time, allowing you to get the maximum amount return.
We have all seen or read of instances where people have taken items to car boot sales or donated them to Charity shops without knowing exactly what the items are, or their potential value. We offer a free appraisal of goods and provide advice on the best-suited auction for them to be submitted to achieve the best price.
If your goods are too big to transport to our auction house, we can come to you and hold the auction at your site*.
If you would like to know more about selling at our auctions please read our FAQ’s or call us on 07768 344 132.
*Commission rates can be agreed with the Auctioneer based on the value of the goods submitted to auction.
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